All Ages No Cover
A follow up compilation of East Tennessee artists.
By this time, Ripchord Records had come of age. The budget was there to have whatever we wanted in producing this album.
The cover art features the notorious Col. Bacchus all around town with many other downtown Knoxville figures like the “Tree Pusher”.
Featured on this album are Immortal Chorus, Saleth’s Dream, Wicked Cow People, Revolution Block, The Guff, Malice in Wonderland, Sandbox, The Tuffskins, Rude Street Peters, Church of Logic, I Swear My Name is Smith, Hypertribe, Fat Bastard, Torture Kitty, and Flat Planet.
There is a giant bonus track featuring Col. Bacchus bits and Trevor Ripchord vs Bacchus in a space war and a bonus song from Commander Dave Ball.
When Knoxville’s little alternative newspaper made fun of this record they said it should have been called “21 and older, 10 bucks.” -TR